It seems like yesterday we were reading Kissing Hand and you wore size 5T.
Tomorrow you enter your first day of middle school, how is that even possibly. I think I've been more emotional over this one than Kindergarten, perhaps because middle school is real to me. Sorry, not sorry, your mom is a middle school teacher and you might not ever get a cellphone in your life.
I can you promise you middle school is going to change you and that some days are going to be bad and some days are going to be "ok" and some days are going to be amazing. And some days ever emotion in the world will pass through you at some point. You are going to grow and you are going to look in the mirror and not know what to think or what is happening or who you are. You are going to learn about good things and bad things, sex and drugs, algebra and geometry, colleges and careers, your going to get your feelings hurt and your going to hurt other people's feelings.
I hope you always listen before you talk, soak in as much learning as you possible can, have the wisdom to decide what is good and what is bad, file away what you need for your future and forget the petty stuff. I hope that you make friends with those that aren't friendly, that you are humble and kind to all. I hope you wear deodorant every day. I hope you laugh till your stomach hurts every day. I hope you make a few friends that last your whole life. I hope you smile at your teacher and tell them thank you even when the lesson plan isn't going well. I hope you hold the door and say good morning. I hope you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom. I hope you give every day a chance to be better than the day before. I hope you are true to yourself, don't change what you like for others. I hope you share the love of Jesus with someone. I hope you read when they tell you to read and ask questions when you don't understand. I hope that you take your punishments for rolling your eyes, running your mouth, lying, not working as hard you can, {insert other middle school behavior}, and work to be better. I hope you manage your time well. But if at some point you need help with these things, I'll be here to dust you off and pick you up and hug you. Someday's you aren't going to like me, but that's ok. I know that, I'm still going to help you and grounding might be involved. You'll thank me one day. Remember, I'll be praying for you every day. You pray for me too, it ain't easy being a mom.
Never forget that no matter what, I love you.
I'm here to listen.
I'm here to lean on.
I believe in you!
You are going to do amazing things!
God has big plans for you!
Have a blast! Enjoy every second! 💗