
insights from a daughter of the King, teacher, farmer's wife, and Mommy


opportunity of togetherness

as we returned home christmas day from my grandparents for lunch and then my parents for supper, i looked to the back seat and said "what was your favorite thing you got for christmas."  i waited for an answer, expecting one of the many toys, games, perhaps the kindle fire, but the response i received..."getting to spend the whole day together."  and all i could choke back was "me too." 

every day we are given the opportunity to give.  and for the most part all people want is time.  all God wants is time...togetherness.   even the most expensive gifts and toys and the piles of clothes can't compete with the gift of togetherness.

did you take the opportunity to be give the gift of togetherness this Christmas? this day?

1 comment:

  1. So true and in this world of "what's in it for me", so important to teach kids.


Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 Leave me some honey.

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