
insights from a daughter of the King, teacher, farmer's wife, and Mommy



we had snowcream for breakfast, made brother and sister snow people, sled down the hill, threw snow balls, and cried when we had to come in.......all before lunch.

potato soup is in the crock pot and the toys are spread from one end of the house to other, bluegrass plays in the background between the giggles and the he did it, she did it dialogue.  

we are on our fifth or sixth snow day, but whose counting really.  all we are counting are these gifts from God.  these moments we will always hold on to.  these lessons that were shared with us as children and we carry on and they too will carry on and share with their children.

set the bowl out the night before for your snow cream in the morning. 

start with a small snow ball and roll it all over the yard, make it too big so you can smooth in out. 

after you have walked up the big hill and sled all the way to the bottom, make sure you lay out in the snow and stare up at the sky for way longer than necessary, soaking it all in before you climb up and do it all over again. 

make sure you only lick clean snow. 

you are never too big to sled down the hill or make a snow angel.

play early, it melts fast. 

say thanks God, you are pretty awesome! 

what traditions do you have for snowdays?  new ones, past down ones, favorite ones?


  1. snow cream, definitely! only i don't even make it any more, jack is our best snow creamer. great pics, karrie!

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