
insights from a daughter of the King, teacher, farmer's wife, and Mommy


Three Cups of Tea

“The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time you take tea, you are an honored guest. The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family, and for our family, we are prepared to do anything, even die.” Haji Ali - Three Cups of Tea

 Last Thursday, school was closed due to icing and Owen and I had a quite day at home.  For Christmas, our administration purchased every teacher a copy of the book Three Cups of Tea (young readers edition).  We were instructed to read the book because we are going to do a school read next semester.  I am always resistant of required reading, its just not my cup of tea (no pun intended).  So, I thought well now I'm the teacher and I can't be a slacker.  I opened the book and began.  And before I knew it I was in tears and couldn't set the book down.  Three hours and several tissues later, I finished.  This man, Greg Mortenson, is now a hero of mine.  He was not special, he didn't come from lots of money, he wasn't seeking his own fulfillment, he was just a regular guy who gave up everything for something he believed in.  This kind of humility is something we should all strive for.  Greg sets out to hike a mountain and gets lost on the way.  He befriends a village in Pakistan without the things we often take for granted such as education.  He then makes a promise that he will come back and bring them a school.  The book tells of this magnificent journey into an unfamiliar culture with an unfamiliar language.  He later builds schools in other villages and other countries and he continues to serve a poverty stricken area with the basic needs of food, water, and education.   It really made me think, what I am doing to make a difference?  If he can do all this!  I am looking forward to reading the book with my students, and hopefully not crying to much in front of them.

Asalam-o-Alaikum (Peace be with you)

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Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 Leave me some honey.

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