"Perhaps this is why Scripture calls us to the practice of fasting - from food, from greed, from selfishness, from luxuries. It isn't just the experience, its the discipline. It changes us. Fasting helps us develop mastery over the competing voices in our heads that urge us toward more, toward indulgence, toward emotional volatility. Like consistent discipline eventually shapes our children's behavior, so it is with us. Believe it or not, God can still change us. Not just our habits but our hearts. Say "no" for a year and see for yourself.'"
So, why not give God every opportunity to change us?
Month Six: Spending
I specifically choose the month of spending to write on, even before I read it. Money is hard, perhaps thats why Jesus talks about it so many times. He knew we would have trouble with or without it. Jen (author) chooses seven locations to spend money at for a month.
Seven places, thats it. If you could only spend money at seven places where would they be?
Consumerism eats at me. Every where we look someone is trying to sell us something and when we get it bought they have something new for us to buy. It is ugly and will eat away not only at your finances but all other aspects of life. It is a battle and if you aren't trying to beat it, it is beating you.
My go to excuse all my life, even as a little person, "but I need it." What do I need that I can buy? What can I do without? What does my money say about my faith?
I asked my sunday school class this week, "if you were arrested for being a Christian, what evidence would there be to convict you?" Could your bank statments make or break your case?
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24
Jen says "What if we are camels, on this side of the needle, dangerously content with our fake gospel and avoiding the actual Christian life described in Scripture?"
Truth be told, I suck at money. I spend unwisely, I tithe inconsistently, I don't do money well.
I am not rich, but I am not poor. I do not go without. I do not help those who do as I should.
But change is possible. God can still use me. He can still use you.
What does your money say about you?
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21
more book talk:
Charla and Katie are writing on Waste today.
Lindsy is writing on Spending, like me.
Amy Y. is writing on both.