You make me sad. The desire you have to be right, to be safe, to be prestigious....the desire to uphold your appearance is greater than your desire to serve Him, to worship Him, and to proclaim Him. It breaks my heart. This church, this beautiful glorious church which stands as the bride waiting....waiting for her groom, is bride-zilla if you will, shouting commands and expecting and demanding fulfillment. We show up on Sunday mornings as consumers and pew fillers, with opinions and complaints. Asking "what can the church do for me?"
I get it ya know. This culture that proclaims "Live for You!" But we can't put on our Sunday best for the world, for complacency of the church, we can't settle, even though humans are corrupt and will corrupt. Who's approval are you after? Because He is good, He is worthy, His church deserves better. The best. The best we can give. Our time, our gifts, our money, Isn't that what it means to be a Christian....dead to me, alive for Him.
So, I pray you'll look into His word, seek His presence, wait for Him. Stop looking in the bible for your answers and start living your life with the Bible as the answer. Start with the scripture.....let God dwell in You, so He can dwell in the church. Let's prepare the bride. Let's get it together....the church is not a building, it's not the music, it's not any of those things. It is the hands and feet of Christ. It is for God and for each other. You worship God all week, everyday, every moment, pray without ceasing, but as a church you gather and fellowship with others in love. Is that what we are being? Is that what we are giving?
Are we the hands and feet that are following God desires or or own desires?
I love church. I do. I love that God knew that we couldn't do it alone, that we had to have each other. So this idea of church is His plan. Let us use His plan to spread His name and His glory and His love, and not our own. Because that is where we fail, when we make it about us and not about Him. Let's show up with our Bible in our hand, Jesus in our heart, and be willing to get our hands dirty for Christ.
With Love and Grace,
Your Sister in Christ
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