
insights from a daughter of the King, teacher, farmer's wife, and Mommy


the thing about risk #riskrejection

the nervousness pulls at your stomach
it makes your heart beat faster
it makes you question decisions made in your life, relevant or not
but i conquered the nerves and hit the enter button
and now i wait
and wait i did, but not very long
the email came

Welcome to Tastefully Simple

and just like that i had conquered part of my risk

but i didn't know the risk that lay ahead that day
that's the thing about risk and life
some of it is planned for, some of it is avoided, 
and some of it comes out of no where
sideswiping you and knocking you off your feet
but you have to risk it
risk reputations, relationships, and reward
because this life is precious and worth it

i beg you to risk truth


  1. I think it was Julie who spoke about planning her risks, and how unplanned risks were scary. The whole not knowing what's ahead. So what next for your Tastefully Simple adventure? Do you delve into parties? Make a site? I have no idea how that works!

  2. Whoot! Get some, Karrie... Excited to see how God works through this venture. Cheers as we #riskrejection!

  3. " this life is precious and worth it"- Yes, yes, yes. thank you for your encouragement!

  4. so excited for you! and proud of you!

  5. So exciting!!


Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 Leave me some honey.

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