
insights from a daughter of the King, teacher, farmer's wife, and Mommy



yesterday at lunch
a coworker prayed before we ate
"dear lord, bless this food to our small bodies"
and after the prayer another coworker says
"i love that you said small bodies" (because in my head i was thinking i'm not small....i'm large...xlarge)
and the prayer warrior answers
we are small compared to Him

and i've thought of this
how small we are compared to Him
and yet He loves us
enough to send His son to die for us
enough to say don't worry about tomorrow...i got it
enough to be with us where ever we go

and even though we are small.....
we are made in His image
His creation
to do His will....
no matter how small 

Five Minute Friday
 unrelated but i love it! Calvin and Hobbes are my favorite


  1. Hi Karrie!! I’m your neighbor Carrie at Five Minute Fridays. “we are small compared to Him” something that really puts things into perspective, and need to be reminded of daily. Thanks for encouraging me today.

  2. Thanks Karrie for this post! A good thought! You are small compared to His greatness! Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Hopping over from FMF. Really liked this. I was feeling this small just last week.

    Great job!

  4. We are made to do his will no matter how small- love it! A fellow FMF sister visiting:) Happy Friday!


Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 Leave me some honey.

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